Cloud computing has become an integral part of businesses, but many do not utilize their cloud infrastructure to its full potential. Whether that means not using the right resources or staying optimized with the right savings tools, organizations might be allowing cloud computing to rule them rather than benefit them. 

One of the most significant reasons businesses utilize cloud computing is to save money. However, real-time cloud cost visibility is the only way to do this successfully. 

How are you going to save, budget, and adapt if you can not see what you are using and spending? 

Financial Planning Is Wrapped Up in Much of Our Cloud Infrastructures

To successfully financially plan around your cloud usage, looking through every department and area of cloud usage is essential. There is no one area that is more important than another. If you want to plan, budget, and save, it takes looking at every team, individual, and resource that touches your business’s cloud infrastructure. 

You must have total visibility, not just visibility of the obvious uses. This also means that real-time visibility is just as essential. With real-time visibility, your organization can have immediate data on who uses what, when resources are being used, and what could need adjustments. 

You can better financially plan for your cloud usage when you have real-time visibility.

Improved Accountability Between Departments 

With real-time visibility, accountability between individuals and departments will improve. It is nearly impossible to plan financially if you don’t know who is using what, and with real-time cloud visibility, you can access that data immediately. 

Accountability will also ensure that departments stay within their budgets and align with the cloud processes implemented. 

Accurate Forecasting for Budgeting and Cloud Usage 

One of the most significant benefits of real-time cloud cost visibility is its ability to accurately predict future spending to better budget and avoid unexpected cloud spending. 

Cloud forecasting is an essential aspect of an adequately working cloud infrastructure, and the best way to get there is by utilizing real-time cloud visibility so your business can view exactly when resources are used, how much, and by who. You can then draw patterns, plan for the future, and budget accordingly. 

Optimized Resources 

Real-time cloud data can reveal underutilized, unused, or overprovisioned resources. By identifying these resources, you can adapt accordingly, ensuring that unnecessary expenses are cut from the budget or that overspending is adjusted correctly. When resources are optimized, cloud spending can be better controlled, and planning becomes much easier. 

Proactive Cost Management 

Real-time cloud visibility truly helps with financial planning. It allows you to become more proactive about cost management and resource utilization. You will have access to real-time data, allowing you to identify areas that could be optimized or scheduled differently. You can then take the time to implement the necessary adjustments now before they become issues in the future. This can make financial planning much simpler and more efficient. 

The Best Ways to Achieve Cloud Cost Visibility 

There are several ways to achieve cloud cost visibility in order to help with financial planning.

A Robust FinOps Team 

With a well-organized and strong FinOps team made up of those from all departments, you will not only have greater accountability across the board, but you will also have an increase in visibility. This team can also help ensure proper optimization and savings. 

Find a Tag Manager 

A Tag Manager could be one of the best ways to obtain real-time visibility about what is being used, by who, and when. You can implement processes and restrictions to your liking and be clearly shown areas of improvement, both financially and in general.

Use the Right FinOps Services and Products

There are many FinOps services and products available that can help provide real-time cloud visibility, budgeting help, and forecasting capabilities. With these three things, you will have a stronger financial plan and save more in your cloud infrastructure. Not every business is the same, though, so find the right products and services for you. 

Better financial planning within your cloud infrastructure is possible. If you have further questions or wish to find which FinOps services and products best suit your needs, contact the team at FinOps Oversight.